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Startup Directory

Scope Document - Startup Accelerator Directory

Scope Document - Startup Accelerator Directory

Product Brief

High Level Overview: The Startup Accelerator Directory is a comprehensive platform that connects startups with various accelerator programs. It provides essential information and resources needed for startups to grow and secure funding, making it easier for entrepreneurs to find the right programs that fit their needs.

Product Information

  • The app will be developed using no-code tools like Bubble or Flutterflow, allowing for rapid development and flexibility.
  • Key features include Program Listings, Application Tracking, User Reviews, and Resources for Startups.
  • User interface considerations will focus on a clean, intuitive design that enhances the user experience when searching and applying for programs.


Name Description
Startup Founder Individuals seeking accelerator programs to help grow their startup and secure funding.
Investor Individuals looking to discover new startups and evaluate their potential for investment.


Name Description
Home Main landing page showcasing available accelerator programs and benefits.
Program Listings A page displaying all available accelerator programs with filtering options.
Program Details A page providing detailed information about each accelerator program.
Application Tracking Página donde los usuarios pueden rastrear sus aplicaciones a los programas de aceleración.
User Reviews A page where users can leave and read reviews about various accelerator programs.
Resources Página que ofrece acceso a herramientas, plantillas y recursos para startups.

High-level Features

Feature Description User Page
Program Listings Allows users to browse and filter accelerator programs based on their needs. Startup Founder Program Listings
Program Details Provides in-depth information about each accelerator program, including requirements and benefits. Startup Founder Program Details
Application Tracking Enables users to track their application status for various accelerator programs. Startup Founder Application Tracking
User Reviews Allows users to read and submit reviews on different accelerator programs. Investor User Reviews
Resources Offers access to tools and materials to assist startups in their growth journey. Startup Founder Resources


  • Program Search Workflow: Users search for accelerator programs based on criteria such as industry and location.
  • Application Submission Workflow: Users submit applications to selected accelerator programs through the platform.
  • Review Workflow: Users leave reviews and feedback on accelerator programs they have participated in.
  • Tracking Workflow: Users track the status of their applications and receive updates.

Other Notes

  • The platform will prioritize user data security, ensuring that all transactions and personal details are encrypted.
  • User privacy will be maintained, with strict access controls and regular security updates.
  • The design will be optimized for both desktop and mobile use, ensuring accessibility across devices.

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