Responsive Web App

Second Hand Makeup Marketplace

Scope Document for Used Makeup Marketplace

Scope Document for Used Makeup Marketplace

Product Brief

High Level Overview: The application is a marketplace specifically designed for individuals in Mexico, primarily women aged between 15 and 35, to buy and sell used makeup. The platform will facilitate the listing, offering, and transaction processes, including payment handling via Stripe.

Product Information

  • The application will be developed as a web-based platform, ensuring accessibility on various devices through web browsers.
  • Key features will include user profiles for buyers and sellers, listing functionalities for sellers, an offering system for buyers, and a secure checkout process handled through Stripe.
  • The user interface will be designed to cater to the preferences of the target audience, focusing on a modern and minimalist aesthetic.


Name Description
Seller Users who can list their used makeup products for sale, accept offers, and are responsible for shipping products.
Buyer Users who can browse listings, make offers on products, and complete purchases through the platform.


Name Description
Home Page Landing page where users can sign in/sign up, and navigate to other sections of the marketplace.
Profile Page Page where users can view and edit their profiles, including past transactions and listed items.
Listing Page Page where sellers can list their makeup products, set price ranges, and manage their listings.
Marketplace Browse page where buyers can view available products, make offers, and initiate purchase processes.
Checkout Page Secure checkout process handled by Stripe for completed transactions.

High-level Features

Flow Description User Page
Create Listing Sellers can list their makeup products with details and price range. Seller Listing Page
Make Offer Buyers can make offers on products they are interested in. Buyer Marketplace
Accept Offer Sellers can review offers and accept them to initiate the checkout process. Seller Marketplace
Complete Transaction Secure transaction process through Stripe after offer acceptance. Buyer Checkout Page


Listing and Selling Workflow:

  1. Seller logs into their profile.
  2. Navigates to the Listing Page.
  3. Enters product details and sets a price range.
  4. List item for sale on the Marketplace.

Purchase Workflow:

  1. Buyer browses the Marketplace.
  2. Makes an offer on a product.
  3. Seller receives and accepts the offer.
  4. Buyer completes the payment through the Checkout Page.
  5. Seller ships the product to the buyer.

Other Notes

  • The platform will focus on a modern and minimalist design to appeal to the target demographic of young women in Mexico.
  • Security measures will be emphasized, especially in the handling of payments and personal information.

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