Responsive Web App


Scope Document for Rent-a-Car Marketplace

Scope Document for Rent-a-Car Marketplace

Product Brief

High Level Overview: The application is a rent-a-car marketplace designed for Mexico City, allowing car owners to list their vehicles and users (tourists and locals) to rent cars for short trips. The platform aims to provide an affordable and accessible service for weekend trips and other short-term needs.

Product Information

  • The application will be developed as a responsive website.
  • Initial development will focus on core functionalities such as listing cars, booking rentals, and managing transactions.
  • Key features will include car listings, search and filter options, booking system, rating system, and a management dashboard for car owners.


Name Description
Car Owner Users that offer their cars for rent. They can list cars, set prices, manage bookings, and view earnings.
Renter Tourists or local people looking for cars to rent. They can search, filter, book cars, and rate their experience.


Name Description
Homepage Landing page where users can start their search for rental cars.
Search Results Page displaying cars based on the user's search and filter criteria.
Car Listing Page for car owners to list their vehicles, including details like photos, prices, and availability.
Booking Page where renters can finalize their booking and make payments.
Owner Dashboard Dashboard for car owners to manage their listings, bookings, and view financials.

High-level Features

Flow Description User Page
Search Cars Users can search for cars by type, brand, price, and date. Renter Homepage, Search Results
List Car Owners can list their car with details like photos, price per day, and availability. Car Owner Car Listing
Book Car Renters can book a car after paying a reservation fee; full amount charged upon car pickup. Renter Booking
Manage Bookings Owners can manage bookings and view transaction history. Car Owner Owner Dashboard
Rate Experience Renters can rate their rental experience using a 5-star system and leave private comments. Renter Booking


Car Owner Workflow:

  1. Sign up and log into the dashboard.
  2. Choose car type, brand, and provide model details.
  3. Upload pictures and descriptions of the car.
  4. Submit documents for verification of ownership.

Renter Workflow:

  1. Land on the homepage and input rental dates.
  2. Filter search results by pricing and other preferences.
  3. Select a car and pay the reservation fee.
  4. Complete the booking and payment upon car pickup.

Other Notes

  • Payment methods include PayPal and credit/debit cards. No cash payments will be accepted.
  • The website design should be simple and user-friendly, focusing on ease of use and accessibility.

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