Responsive Web App

Pet Care App

Scope Document for Pet Care App

Scope Document for Pet Care App

Product Brief

High Level Overview: The application, designed for dog and cat owners, aims to enhance pet care through a comprehensive platform that offers reminders for feeding, medication, and veterinary appointments. Additionally, it includes grooming tips and a directory of nearby pet services, making it a one-stop solution for pet owners to manage their pet's health and well-being effectively.

Product Information

  • The app will be developed for both iOS and Android platforms to cater to a broad audience of pet owners.
  • Key features will include customizable reminders, a directory of pet services sorted by proximity, and social sharing capabilities.
  • User interface considerations include a vibrant color scheme with red and orange tones and a playful, pet-related theme using cartoon-style icons and imagery.


Name Description
Regular User Users can access all features including setting reminders, viewing the directory, and participating in social sharing.


Name Description
Home Page Features hot services like lists of vets and pet shops, and provides quick access to other features.
Reminder Setup Allows users to create and customize reminders for pet care activities.
Directory Displays nearby pet services, sortable by location with search functionality.
Social Sharing Enables users to share tips, photos, and experiences with other pet owners.
Registration Collects user information at the end of the service selection process for reservation purposes.

High-level Features

Flow Description User Page
Set Reminders Users can set and customize reminders for feeding, medication, and appointments. Regular User Reminder Setup
Access Directory Users can search and sort pet-related services by proximity. Regular User Directory
Social Interaction Users can like and share content related to pet care within the app. Regular User Social Sharing
User Registration Collects essential information for service reservations and future communications. Regular User Registration


Setting Up a Reminder:

  1. Access the Reminder Section via the 'Reminders' icon on the main screen.
  2. Select 'Add New Reminder' to create a new reminder.
  3. Enter details such as the type of reminder (e.g., vaccination), the date, and time.
  4. Customize the reminder frequency and type (one-time or recurring).
  5. Save and confirm the reminder setup.

Other Notes

  • Notifications will be implemented using push notifications and email.
  • Registration requires verification through an email link to ensure user authenticity.
  • The app will support English and German languages to cater to a diverse user base.
  • No additional security features like data encryption are planned for the initial release.

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