Native Mobile App

Personal Development App

Scope Document for Personal Development App

Scope Document for Personal Development App

Product Brief

High Level Overview: The application is a personal development platform designed specifically for men aged 25-45 who seek support in various aspects of their lives. It aims to address the lack of accessible support and the skepticism in seeking help by providing a structured and supportive environment focusing on eight key areas: friends, family, finance, fitness, environment, mindset, career, and hobbies.

Product Information

  • The app will initially be developed as a web platform, with plans to expand to iOS and Android mobile platforms in the future.
  • The design will be minimalist to ensure ease of use and to keep the user interface uncluttered.
  • Key features will include user account creation, personalized daily tasks, goal setting, and progress tracking with notifications, progress bars, and a dashboard.


Name Description
Registered User Users who have created an account and can set personal goals, receive daily tasks, and track their progress.
Guest User Users who can explore the app and view limited content but need to register to access full features and personalization.


Name Description
Home Landing page with general information about the app and user testimonials.
Sign Up / Login Page for new users to create an account and existing users to log in.
Dashboard Main user interface where users can view their progress, access daily tasks, and update their goals.
Settings Page where users can update their personal information and account settings.

High-level Features

Flow Description User Page
Account Creation Users can create a new account providing personal details. Guest User Sign Up / Login
Goal Setting Users set personal development goals for each of the eight key areas. Registered User Dashboard
Task Management Users receive and manage daily personalized tasks aimed at reaching their goals. Registered User Dashboard
Progress Tracking Users can view their progress through notifications, a progress bar, and a comprehensive dashboard. Registered User Dashboard


User Onboarding:

  1. User visits the Home page and navigates to Sign Up.
  2. User fills out the registration form and creates an account.
  3. User logs in and is directed to the Dashboard.
  4. User sets initial goals for each of the eight key areas.
  5. User starts receiving personalized daily tasks based on their goals.

Other Notes

  • The app will initially focus on a web platform but is intended to be developed for iOS and Android in the future.
  • The minimalist design approach is chosen to keep the user interface simple and focused.
  • Each of the eight key areas will provide personalized daily tasks to help users achieve their set goals.

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