Responsive Web App

Event Planner Marketplace

Scope Document for Event Planner Marketplace

Scope Document for Event Planner Marketplace

Product Brief

High Level Overview: The Event Planner Marketplace is a platform designed to connect event planners with clients looking to organize weddings, corporate events, and private parties. Planners can showcase their services, portfolios, and availability, making it easier for clients to find and hire the right professionals for their events.

Product Information

  • The platform will be developed as a responsive web application to ensure accessibility on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Key features will include user profiles for event planners, a booking system for clients, and a review system for both planners and clients.
  • User interface considerations will focus on a clean, professional design with easy navigation and a focus on showcasing the planners' portfolios.


Name Description
Event Planner Professionals who can create profiles, showcase their portfolios, list their services, and manage bookings.
Client Individuals or organizations looking to hire event planners for weddings, corporate events, or private parties.


Name Description
Home Page Landing page with featured event planners, search functionality, and navigation to other sections of the platform.
Planner Profile Page where event planners can showcase their portfolios, list services, and display availability.
Booking Page Interface for clients to book event planners, manage appointments, and make payments.
Review Page Page where clients can leave reviews for event planners, and planners can respond to feedback.
Admin Dashboard Control panel for administrators to manage users, bookings, and platform settings.

High-level Features

Flow Description User Page
Create Profile Event planners can create profiles, upload portfolios, and list their services. Event Planner Planner Profile
Search Planners Clients can search for event planners based on location, services offered, and reviews. Client Home Page
Book Planner Clients can book event planners, manage appointments, and process payments. Client Booking Page
Leave Review Clients can leave reviews for event planners, providing feedback on their services. Client Review Page
Admin Management Administrators can manage platform users, bookings, and review site analytics. Admin Admin Dashboard


Profile Creation Workflow:

  1. Event planners sign up and create profiles.
  2. Upload portfolio items and list services offered.
  3. Set availability and manage bookings through the platform.

Booking and Review Workflow:

  1. Clients search for event planners based on their needs.
  2. Book a planner through the booking system and make payments.
  3. After the event, leave a review for the planner.

Other Notes

  • The platform will include a messaging system to facilitate communication between planners and clients.
  • Security measures will include data encryption and secure payment processing.
  • Future updates may include features like video consultations and event management tools.

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