The Ultimate Guide to Product Roadmaps for Non-Technical Founders

A comprehensive guide on creating effective product roadmaps for non-technical founders, explaining their importance and how they differ from PRDs

The Ultimate Guide to Product Roadmaps for Non-Technical Founders

What is a Product Roadmap?

A product roadmap is a strategic document that outlines the vision, direction, priorities, and progress of a product over time. Unlike a detailed plan that covers every aspect of development, a product roadmap is a high-level overview that provides clarity on where the product is headed and why.

The roadmap serves as a communication tool, aligning all stakeholders—from developers to marketers—around the product’s goals and the timeline for achieving them. It focuses on the “why” and the “what” rather than the “how,” which is typically reserved for more detailed documents like a Product Requirement Document (PRD) or technical specifications.

Product Roadmap vs. Product Requirement Document (PRD)

While both a product roadmap and a PRD are essential to product development, they serve different purposes and audiences:

  • Product Roadmap: This is a high-level strategic document that communicates the product's vision, key milestones, and timeline. It’s primarily used to align stakeholders on the overall direction of the product. Roadmaps are often more flexible and subject to change based on market conditions, user feedback, or business goals.
  • Product Requirement Document (PRD): A PRD is a detailed document that outlines the specific features, functionalities, and technical requirements needed to build the product. It’s more granular and is used by the development team to understand exactly what needs to be built. The PRD answers the “how” and includes specifications that guide the actual coding, design, and implementation.

The Role of Backlogs in Product Roadmapping

Backlogs are closely tied to both roadmaps and PRDs, serving as a dynamic list of tasks or features that need to be completed. While a roadmap provides a strategic view of the product’s direction, a backlog is more tactical, helping teams manage the day-to-day work needed to bring the product to life.

  • Product Backlog: This is a prioritized list of features, bug fixes, technical debt, and other tasks that the development team needs to work on. Items in the backlog are often derived from the product roadmap and PRD, but they’re broken down into actionable tasks that can be completed in short development cycles, known as sprints in Agile methodologies.
  • Tying Backlogs to Roadmaps: The product roadmap informs the product backlog by setting the priorities and timelines for key features and milestones. The backlog then becomes the engine that drives the execution of the roadmap, with development teams pulling tasks from the backlog in alignment with the roadmap’s goals.

Step 1: Define Your Product Vision

The first step in creating a product roadmap is to define your product vision. This vision is the foundation of your roadmap, guiding every decision and ensuring that all efforts are aligned with long-term goals.

Your product vision should clearly articulate:

  • The Problem: What problem is your product solving?
  • Target Audience: Who are you solving this problem for?
  • Unique Value Proposition: What makes your solution unique compared to others in the market?

By defining these elements, you ensure that your roadmap has a clear purpose and direction, setting the stage for successful execution.

Pro Tip: If defining your product vision feels overwhelming, platforms like can help. As an AI product manager, assists in conducting thorough product discovery, ensuring your vision is grounded in user needs and market realities.

Step 2: Prioritize Features and Milestones

With your product vision in place, the next step is to prioritize the features and milestones that will help you achieve that vision. This is where understanding the difference between roadmaps, PRDs, and backlogs becomes crucial.

  • Strategic Prioritization: At the roadmap level, prioritize features and milestones based on their impact on your product vision. Focus on the big-picture goals, such as launching a beta version or expanding into a new market.
  • Tactical Prioritization: For the PRD and backlog, prioritize based on feasibility, dependencies, and the technical challenges involved. Use frameworks like MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have) or RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) to guide your decisions.

Pro Tip: can streamline this process by generating detailed product documentation that aligns with your roadmap priorities. This documentation can then be used to effectively communicate with developers and stakeholders.

Step 3: Choose the Right Roadmap Tools

There are numerous tools available to help you create and manage your product roadmap. As a non-technical founder, it’s essential to choose a tool that not only aligns with your team’s workflow but also integrates seamlessly with your backlog management tools.

  • Aha!: A comprehensive roadmap tool that offers a variety of templates and customization options, making it easy to align your roadmap with your product vision.
  • Jira: A powerful tool that excels in linking roadmaps to backlogs, ensuring that your strategic priorities translate into actionable tasks for your development team.
  • Trello: A simpler tool that can be effective for smaller teams or less complex products, allowing you to visualize both the roadmap and backlog in a single interface.

Step 4: Collaborate with Your Team

Collaboration is key to a successful product roadmap. As a non-technical founder, you’ll need to rely on your team’s expertise to ensure that your roadmap is realistic and achievable.

  • Involve Key Stakeholders: Include developers, designers, marketers, and any other relevant team members in the roadmap creation process. Their input will help you identify potential challenges and opportunities, ensuring that your roadmap is well-rounded and grounded in reality.
  • Leverage Cross-Functional Teams: Encourage collaboration across different teams to break down silos and foster a shared understanding of the product’s goals. This can lead to more innovative solutions and a smoother development process.

Pro Tip: doesn't just stop at documentation. It also matches you with the right no-code talent to bring your product to life. Whether you need help with app development, design, or testing, connects you with skilled professionals who can execute your roadmap efficiently.

Step 5: Review and Adjust Your Roadmap Regularly

A product roadmap is not a static document. It needs to evolve as your product and market conditions change. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your roadmap ensures that it remains aligned with your product vision and business goals.Check out productboard's helpful article on how to make your roadmap.

  • Incorporate Feedback: Use feedback from users, stakeholders, and your team to refine your roadmap. This iterative process helps you stay responsive to changing needs and ensures that your product remains relevant.
  • Adapt to Market Changes: Be prepared to pivot your roadmap in response to new market trends, competitive pressures, or technological advancements. Flexibility is key to maintaining a roadmap that drives long-term success.

Conclusion: Navigating Your Product’s Journey

Creating a product roadmap as a non-technical founder may seem challenging, but with the right approach and tools, it can become a powerful guide for your product's journey. By defining your vision, prioritizing strategically, and integrating your roadmap with a dynamic backlog, you ensure that your product stays on track.

And remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Platforms like can be a game-changer, providing AI-driven product management that covers discovery, documentation, and talent matchmaking. This comprehensive support allows you to focus on what matters most—bringing your vision to life and delivering value to your users.

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Ex-google growth strategist and former startup founder

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